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Student Resources and Policies

Please email us if you have questions regarding the following policies.

View parking map for classes held at the Downtown Campus Center (DCC). 

Academic Policy Information

Academic Calendar

The University of California, Merced Extension Academic Calendar can be found here.


The University of California, Merced, is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). UC Merced Extension is accredited by WSCUC through the University.

Course Numbers and Prefixes

Classification of Courses

The level of instruction for all University of California courses which award academic credit is designated by a course number which falls within series defined as follows:

  • 1-99. Undergraduate/Lower Division courses which are open to freshmen and sophomores.
  • 100-199. Undergraduate/Upper division courses ordinarily open only to students who have completed at least one lower division course in the given subject, or four semesters of college work. Independent study courses at the undergraduate level are numbered 199.
  • 200-299. Graduate courses ordinarily open only to students who have completed at least 12 semester upper division units basic to the subject matter of the course.
  • 300-399. Professional courses for teachers offered in Departments and Schools of Education, and specially designed for teachers or prospective teachers.
  • 400-499. Professional courses in fields other than Education.
  • Individual study or research graduate courses numbered 500-599 if they may be used to satisfy minimum higher degree requirements, which are otherwise numbered 600-699.

UC Merced Extension further classifies courses which do not result in the award of University level academic credit, as follows:

  • 700-799. Experimental, public service, public policy forums, test preparation courses, and courses which showcase research or developments in the professions or local industry, which are non-credit bearing and in which student work is not evaluated.
  • 800-899. Advanced professional seminars, courses, and short-courses, in which student work is evaluated, which may lead to the award of a letter grade, PASS/FAIL grade, or Continuing Education Unit (CEU) in lieu of academic credit.
  • 900-999. Courses for which University credit are not awarded, but in which student work is evaluated and grades are posted. College preparatory courses and English as a Second Language (ESL) courses are examples of the type to be classified in this series.
  • 1000-1099. Professional or cultural enrichment seminars, courses and short-courses in which student work is not evaluated, but leads to the award of Continuing Education Unit (CEU) in lieu of academic credit.

UC Merced Extension typically presents courses in the undergraduate series numbered 1-199 (except independent studies), the 300 series, the 400 series, and the non-credit series ranging from 700-1099.

In addition to the numbering schema, the University uses letter designations preceding the "course number" to indicate Extension's agency in offering the course, and to indicate the Senate division offering academic approval, as follows:

  • An "X" prefixed to the course number indicates that the course bears University-level academic credit, and that the course is offered through Extension. When the "X" appears alone, the Extension course has no counterpart in the UC Merced curriculum, although the content meets the standards for the course series. (Courses numbered 700 and above offered through Extension are not prefixed with an "X" as they bear no credit.)
  • The "X", modified with a senate-division designator such as "M", indicates that the course bears University-level academic credit, that it is offered through Extension, and that the course is by Senate regulation considered "equivalent" to a course offered in the regular curriculum of the Senate Division which approved the course. ("M" indicates Merced. "B" indicates Berkeley, "SB" indicates Santa Barbara, etc.)
FERPA – Confidentiality and Student Rights

Pursuant to the Federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and the University of California Policies Applying to the Disclosure of Information from Student Records, UC Merced Extension students have the right to:

  1. The right to inspect and review their student records within 45 days of the date the Extension Office receives a written request for access. Students should submit their requests in writing to the Extension Office or appropriate campus official for the office having custody of the requested records. The request must identify the record(s) they wish to inspect and review. The campus official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the official receiving the request, that official shall advise the student of the correct official and redirect the request.      
  2. The right to request the amendment of their student records if a student believes the records is inaccurate or misleading. Students should submit a written request to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading to the campus official responsible for the record, clearly identifying the portion of the record they want changed, and specifying why it is believed to be inaccurate or misleading. If Extension determines that the record should not be amended as requested by the student, Extension will notify the student of the decision and advise him/her of the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in their student records, except to the extent that law and policy authorize disclosure without consent.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by UC Merced Extension to comply with the requirements of the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act, addressed to the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Washington, D.C. 20202-4605.

One exception permitting disclosure without consent is disclosure to campus officials having a legitimate educational interest in the records. A campus official is any individual designated by the campus to perform an assigned function on behalf of the campus. Legitimate educational interest means a demonstrated need to know by officials who act in a student’s educational interest. A campus official has a “legitimate educational interest” in a record if the official is performing a task:

  1. specified in his or her job description;
  2. specifically related to the official’s participation in the student’s education;
  3. specifically related to the discipline of a student; or
  4. specifically related to providing a service or benefit associated with a student or student’s family, such as health care, counseling, job placement or financial aid.

Another exception permitting disclosure without consent is Directory (or public) Information, defined as information contained in a student record that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed, unless the student has notified the Extension Office that such information is to be treated as confidential with respect to him/herself.

UC Merced Extension has established these items as Directory (or public) Information: the student’s name, phone number, email address, program of study, dates of attendance, earned certificates, enrollment status (Full-Time; Part-Time), photographs and program completion information. UC Merced Extension directory information is available upon request only and will not be posted online or by any other means.

How a Student Can Change Their Level of Privacy

A student who wants to withhold all from the category of Directory (public) information must file a nondisclosure form in the UC Merced Extension Office by the 10th day of instruction. If a student does not choose this option, this information may be released without student written authorization.

Students availing themselves of this right should understand what the consequences of such action might be. For example, if all information is designated nonpublic information the student’s status as a student or any certificates earned cannot be verified for potential employers or for any inquiries without the student’s written consent.

Questions: Questions about these rights should be referred to the Extension Office by emailing

University of California Policy Related to the Disclosure of Information from Student Records

The University of California policy related to student record information disclosure, please review


If you enroll for credit, you must meet the attendance, participation and course requirements set by the instructor. You can log in to your student portal to view your final grades and CEUs. 

Until all outstanding balances to the university are paid in full, a hold may be placed on your student account that prevents you from viewing and printing your final course grades, CEUs and grade reports and from ordering an official transcript.

Grading Basis Options

When you enroll in a credit course, you will receive a letter grade. In some courses, however you may opt to take the course for a passed/not passed grade (P/NP) or to take the course on a noncredit basis (NC) by submitting a Petition for Grade Option Change form. If you opt to change from a letter grade to a P/NP grade you must inform your instructor prior to your course end date and final exam or project due date. If you plan to apply that course toward a degree or professional certificate, you should first make sure that a P/NP grade is accepted. Please note that most institutions do not accept noncredit courses and noncredit grade options for transfer credit. We cannot change a P/NP grade or a NC grade option to a letter grade after recording it. If you are unable to complete your course, you can also submit a petition to withdraw without academic penalty prior to your course end date and final exam or project due date.

Grading System Grades

Grades                                     Quality Points

A+       Excellent                      4.0

A         Excellent                      4.0

A–        Excellent                      3.7

B+        Good                           3.3

B          Good                           3.0

B-        Good                           2.7

C+        Fair                              2.3

C          Fair                              2.0

C-        Fair                              1.7

D+       Barely passing              1.3

D         Barely Passing              1.0

D-        Barely passing              0.7

F          Not Passing                  0.0

P          Passed (equivalent to a C- or higher)    

NP       Not passed (lower than a C-)

S         Satisfactory

U         Unsatisfactory

I           Incomplete

IP         In-Progress

NR       No Report: when instructor fails to report a grade

Other Grade Letter Designations

NC       Not for credit - Signifies attendance but not completion of credit requirements

W         Withdraw without academic penalty

I           Incomplete, may be assigned by an instructor on an exceptional basis if the student’s coursework has been passing quality but not finished during the term or enrollment period due to circumstance beyond the student’s control.

Incomplete grades are contingent on instructor approval, and instructors are under no obligation to grant them. To complete the course and receive a final grade, you must complete the course requirements within three months of the course end date. If you do not complete the work as agreed, instructors may opt to submit a final failing grade for you. If left unresolved, the grade Incomplete (I) in any course becomes part of your permanent academic record.

  • An “I” grade designation is issued only if the instructor approves and all of the following criteria are met:
  • You present extenuating circumstances to your instructor for not completing the course by the course end date
  • You have successfully completed 75% of the assignments, assessments or projects at least three weeks prior to the course end date.
  • You and the instructor have made a written agreement on the work required to complete the course and the due date by which you will submit the work to the instructor. The due date must be within three months of the course end date,
  • You must sign and present the Petition for Incomplete Grade form to the instructor prior to the course end date. Online students should provide the completed petition form to instructors by scanning and emailing it as an attachment.
  • For classroom and hybrid courses, instructor must note on the form the percentage of course work completed and graded and the cumulative grade the student has earned to date. For online courses, instructors must note on the form all of the modules that have been submitted, graded and entered into the LMS gradebook to date (e.g., Modules 1-8) and the remaining modules the student must complete (e.g., Modules 9-10).
  • Once completed and signed by you and the instructor, the instructor should forward the original incomplete grade petition form to You and the instructor should each retain a copy of the signed form.
  • Online Students Only: Once enrollment expires or a grade I is recorded, you no longer have access to the online classroom or discussion forum. You must coordinate with your instructor to copy or print out any information from the online classroom or discussion forum that you need for reference as you continue and complete your coursework beyond your enrollment period.

Grade Point Averages

UC Merced Extension does not calculate or record an official grade point average (GPA) on your transcript, GPAs can be unofficially calculated on the basis of grades and number of units. The University’s scale of grade points is A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0, D=1, F=0. A plus (+) or minus (-) may also be recorded. Grades with a plus sign (such as B+) carry 0.3 points per unit; minus grades (such as A-) carry 0.3 points less. (An A+ counts as 4.0). Work is shown in semester units unless otherwise noted.

Final Grade Reviews and Appeals

All student grades except “Incomplete” are final when submitted by the instructor to UC Merced Extension at the end of the course. An instructor may request a change of grade when a computational or procedural error occurred in the original assignment of a grade, but a grade may not be changed or revised as a result of reevaluation of student work, student reexamination or the submission of additional student work after the end of the course.

UC Merced Extension considers grades to be a matter of academic judgment on the part of the instructor. You may only challenge your grade and request a final grade review in certain circumstances. Grounds for requesting a grade review at the end of the course include:

  1. Application of nonacademic criteria –such as consideration of race, politics, religion or gender – not directly reflective of performance related to course requirements;
  2. Sexual harassment; or,
  3. Clerical or procedural error in the calculation of the student’s final grade.

Consult your instructor if you have a question about your final grade. If the matter is not resolved at the instructor level, write to your CE Director to request a final grade review within 30 days after your final grade is posted to your student record. Within your final grade review request, state which of the above three criteria comprises the grounds for the request, The CE Director conducts the grade review and informs you of his or her decision - including any remedies, if applicable – within 30 days of receiving  the request for review.

If, and only if, the above procedures have failed to resolve the matter, you may appeal the CE Director’s decision by submitting a letter addressed to UC Merced Extension, ATTN: Extension Dean 5200 N Lake Road, Merced, CA 95343

This written request for appeal must be initiated within 30 days after receiving the decision from the CE Director. The dean’s designee reviews the request for appeal, conducts an investigation and makes a decision – including any remedies, if applicable – within 30 days of receiving the request for appeal. The dean’s designee makes the final decision for all unresolved grade appeals for all students enrolled in UC Merced courses and programs.

In extenuating circumstances, the above timelines may be extended.


The University of California, in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and University policy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, medical condition (cancer-related), ancestry, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation or status as a Vietnam-era veteran or special disabled veteran. The University also prohibits sexual harassment. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission, access and treatment in University programs and activities.

Inquiries regarding the University’s student related nondiscrimination policies may be directed to Student Conduct staff in the Office of Student Life.

Student Conduct

All members of the UC Merced Extension community are expected to act with honesty, integrity and respect for others.

UC Merced Extension, as a unit of the University of California, Merced, is a continuing education and professional community committed to maintaining an environment that encourages personal, professional and intellectual growth. It is a community with high standards and high expectations for those who choose to become a part of it. This behavior includes abiding by the established rules of conduct intended to foster behaviors that are consistent with a civil and professional educational setting. Members of the UC Merced Extension community are expected to comply with all laws, University policies and campus regulations, conducting themselves in ways that support a professional and safe learning environment. In this context, instructors are guided by UC Merced Extension's instructor conduct policies. Students are guided by the UC Merced Code of Student Conduct (PDF).

Student Verification Policy for Online Instruction

Student Verification Policy for Online Instruction
UC Merced Extension

November, 2018

I. Purpose

This describes the process for verifying the identity of UC Merced Extension students enrolled in online academic courses, for which there are no in-person meetings.

This policy is consistent with the WSCUC Distance Education Review Guide, which states:

“WSCUC requires institutions that offer distance education to have processes in place through which the institution establishes that the student who registers in a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program and receives the academic credit. To meet this requirement, the institution must employ, at its option, methods to verify the student who participates, such as:

  • A secure login and pass code
  • Proctored examinations
  • New or other technologies or practices that are effective in verifying student identification.”

II. Overview

  1. UC Merced Extension requires at least one proctored/supervised exam or experience per online course for which students are required to present photo identification upon signing in or appearing for the proctored experience or test. In this way, instructors are able to verify that the individual participating in the assignment or exam is the same individual who is enrolled and receiving a grade for the course.

UC Merced Extension adheres to the UC Merced Code of Conduct and Academic Honesty Policy . It is expected and required that only the individual who is registered in a course will produce and submit assignments and take examinations for that course. Violations of this requirement will be processed according to these UC Merced policies.

To protect student privacy, instructors should perform identity checks one-on-one and not in front of other students. This is especially important in an online environment, where a student should only be required to present identification directly to the instructor and not in a setting where classmates can see private information.

  1. Proctored Exams/Experiences

Distance courses, including asynchronous courses, may require an in-person meeting, assignment or examination at a specific day and time. This information must be published in the course description of the unique section the student enrolls in so they are aware of the meeting day and time prior to registration.

  1. In person Exams

Proctor exams in a classroom setting where students show a photo ID (driver’s license, passport, or student ID card) before they take their test. UC Merced Extension distance courses that require in-person, exams on a specific day and time will state such a requirement in the course description of the unique section the student enrolls in, and will be stated on the syllabus.

  1. Online with Examity or Proctor U*

Both Examity and Proctor U offer live online proctoring for academic institutions. Webcams and other similar technology are utilized to monitor students taking exams online.

*Online proctor fees are paid by the student directly to the vendor. The current cost is $20.00 per proctored experience (price is subject to change by agreement between the University of California and the vendor). This cost must be published in the course description of the unique section the student enrolls in so they are aware of the additional fee prior to registration.

  1. Alternatives to Proctored Exams
  1. Presentations

Presentations give students the opportunity to display knowledge gained in the course and present that information to their classmates and instructor. Instructors should check student identity by verifying IDs in a one-on-one online or in person meeting prior to the presentation.

  1. Zoom: Using the online conferencing tool Zoom, instructors could require students to lead presentations and discussion sessions with their classmates. This method requires students to present information and to answer discussion questions similar to that of an in-class setting. This method may be utilized with the entire class, small groups within a class, or for an individual student and the instructor, depending on the needs and requirements of the course.
  2. Pre-recorded Video Presentations: Students create video presentations in which their voices must be heard and faces must be seen as they cover specific information from the course as assigned by the instructor.
  3. In-Person Class Meetings: To facilitate student presentations and whole-group discussions in a classroom setting.


  • If students are required to be physically present at a certain time and location, this information must be published in the course catalog at the time of enrollment, as well as in the syllabus.
  • If special equipment is required (webcam, speakers, etc.), this information must be published in the course catalog at the time of enrollment, as well as in the syllabus.
  • If an online proctoring service is used and students are responsible for paying the testing fee out of pocket, the cost must be published in the course catalog at the time of enrollment, as well as in the syllabus.

Campus Policy Information

Academic Integrity Policy
Clery Act and Crime Statistics

“Safety Matters” is UC Merced’s annual security report. This publication offers information about our police department, campus crime statistics and a wealth of information about safety and security. It can be found at or to learn more about UC Merced’s annual crime statistics at

Disability Services

Visit the Disability Services website for information.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment of all persons who participate in University programs and activities is prohibited by law and by University regulation (Policy 380-12). Sexual harassment is unacceptable and will not be condoned on the UC Merced campus.

Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus

Enrollment Policy Information

Appeals and Grievance Policy

Appeals Process

UC Merced Extension has an appeal process in place to assist candidates and faculty to resolve academic issues. This process endeavors to protect both faculty and candidates by assuring a process that allows dialogue at each step. This process is linked directly to UC Merced’s policies on the university website: Petition of Academic Policy

Definition of a Grievable Action: A greivable action is an action: (a) is in violation of written UC Merced Extension policies or procedures; or (b) constitutes arbitrary, capricious or unequal application of written UC Merced Extension policies or procedures.

Initial and Informal Appeal: The candidate who wishes to appeal must first discuss the problem with their instructor. The initial appeal may be informal by a conversation or meeting between the faculty member and the candidate. If the academic issue is not resolved, the formal appeals process is initiated. The candidate must initiate this process within 30 calendar days from the day the candidate knew, or reasonably should have known, about the action generating the complaint, excluding campus holidays, intersession periods, and summer session (e.g., within 30 days of an assignment being graded).

Formal Appeal Initiation: The formal appeal should be addressed in writing to the Teacher Preparation Site Director and/or the Director of Education Programs. The appeal must include a written statement that lays out the grounds for the appeal, and any supporting documentation. The appeal must be initiated within 30 calendar days from the day the candidate knew or reasonably should have known about the action generating the complaint, excluding campus holidays, intersession periods, and summer session (e.g., within 30 days of an assignment being graded). The valid grounds on which a student may base an appeal are confined to three areas: (1) evidence of procedural error committed intentionally or inadvertently by the Program faculty or staff and/or (2) evidence of non-academic criteria being used to evaluate academic work, including personal bias and violations of the campus nondiscrimination policy and/or (3) special mitigating circumstances beyond the student’s control (such as documented severe illness to self or immediate family, or death in the family) not properly taken into account in a decision affecting the student’s academic progress. In order to seek relief under special mitigating circumstances, the candidate must have raised the issue with the program directors as soon as possible and no later than 10 calendar days after the the mitigating circumstance began (e.g., if a documented medical condition impairs the candidate’s ability to complete the coursework, the candidate would supply the program directors with a doctor’s note no later than 10 calendar days after the medical condition began).

The Director of Education Programs shall determine the validity of an appeal with respect to whether it meets the criteria or whether additional material should be provided in order to make a determination. The candidate shall be notified as to the determination of the appeal’s validity within 30 days of the submission of the appeal. Failure of the Director of Education Programs, or his/her designate, to identify to the candidate regarding the outcome as to the validity of the appeal within 30 days shall result in referral of the appeal directly to the Extension Dean.

In cases where a resolution is not reached, the final level of appeal is the Extension Dean. The Extension Dean will review the written complaint, response from the individual(s) complained of, and submitted materials.

The Extension Dean’s office will make a final decision and notify the candidate of the outcome within 60 days of the initiation of the formal complaint. If determination is not made within the 60-day timeframe, the appeal is deemed denied.   A written summary of the appeal and the conclusions reached will be kept in the student’s academic file. If the appeal is supported, the Director for Education programs will ensure that prompt corrective action is taken. The Dean will record the final determination with the Extension Registrar’s Office.

Candidates and applicants of the teacher preparation program access all appeals processes through the university website and abide by university procedures. The process for each campus school, including UC Merced Extension, allows a student to appeal to his/her Dean after exhausting all other pathways. The links in this document direct candidates, like all UC Merced students, to the university’s policies and forms.

Time frames: All time frames are defined in terms of calendar days, excluding campus holidays, inter-session, and summer session, starting on the day the candidate either knew or reasonably should have known of the actions leading to the complaint.

Links and Resources

The following links below outline the appeals process for all academic matters and other concerns:

Any appeal based on sex discrimination or sexual harassment must be referred directly to the Office of Compliance for initial review. If the appeal remains active after the conclusion of the Title IX investigation then the appeal will be governed under the procedures described in the campus-wide Appeal Procedure.


Requesting transcripts is easy! Fill submit this webform and requests will be processed within 1-3 business days from request receipt unless preference is noted otherwise.

Course Cancellations and Transfers

UC Merced Extension cancels courses only when absolutely necessary but reserves the right to cancel, reschedule, or combine courses; to alter and discontinue curricula; and to change instructors. Because Extension receives no state tax support, courses may be canceled as late as the first scheduled class if fewer than the required minimum number of students enroll. If a course is canceled or rescheduled, you will be issued a full refund of course registration fees. We do not reimburse textbook fees, travel or accommodation costs or any expense other than the course registration fee. If you have any questions regarding the course cancel/transfer policy email

You can request to change sections or to enroll in a different course by email to Unless specified otherwise in the program, course descriptions, all transfer requests are subject to a nonrefundable transfer processing fee of $25.00 per class and must be made within the transfer policy time lines stated below. Transfer requests that are a result of course cancellations are not subject to the transfer processing fee.

Approvals for transfer are based on course and space availability and the scheduled course start date. Any difference in course fees is assessed and due at the time of the transfer. Transfer request will not be approved and processed until all outstanding balances are paid in full to the University. If you have any questions regarding the transfer policy, please email

Note: All transfer deadlines below apply to the class in which you are currently enrolled. You must meet all the course prerequisites if listed in the course description before the transfer is approved and processed.

Transfers for Classroom and Hybrid Courses

Unless otherwise specified in the program, course or section description, you may request to transfer within the following time frame:

- Between courses with fewer than five meetings: Transfer requests must be made one business day before the course start date of both courses, provided the enrollment limit of the course you are transferring to has not been reached. You must meet all prerequisites if any are listed in the course description. If the courses meet on the weekend, the transfer deadline is the Friday immediately before the courses start.

- Between courses with six or more meetings: Transfer requests must be made one business day before the  second course meeting of both courses, provided the enrollment limit of the course you are transferring to has  not been reached. You must meet all prerequisites if any are listed in the course description. If the courses meet on the weekend, the transfer deadline is the Friday immediately before the second class meeting of both courses. The timeline for transferring varies from one to 14 days after course start dates, depending on the course meeting pattern.

Transfer for Online Courses

For fixed-date online courses, you can request transfers up to six days after the course start date. For continuous-enrollment online courses, you can request transfers up to six days after you enroll. If the sixth day falls on the weekend, the transfer deadline is the Friday immediately before the deadline. As an alternative, you can submit an online drop/refund request from your student portal and re-enroll in the desired section. Please carefully review the instructions and time lines for drops/refunds prior to submitting a drop/refund request.

Drop/Refund Information

UC Merced Extension must receive the course drop request online through the course registration site within the approved drop period. Once logged into the registration site, select Academics > Current Sections > Request Drop and follow the prompts to drop the course.

Drop requests received after the deadline will be processed as a Withdrawal (see the Withdrawal policy for more information). If UC Merced Extension does not receive the drop request by the deadline, the student may request an incomplete (I) or withdraw (W) from the course if there is appropriate justification.

If you are experiencing problems requesting a drop through your student portal/account, email for assistance.

Unless specified otherwise in the program, course or section description, all drop requests are subject to a nonrefundable refund processing fee of $25.00 per class and must be made within the drop/refund policy timelines as stated below.

UC Merced Extension cancels courses only when absolutely necessary but reserves the right to cancel, reschedule, or combine courses; to alter and discontinue curricula; and to change instructors. Because Extension receives no state tax support, courses may be canceled as late as the first scheduled class if fewer than the required minimum number of students enroll. If a course is canceled or rescheduled, you will be issued a full refund of course registration fees. We do not reimburse textbook fees, travel or accommodation costs or any expense other than the course registration fee. If you have any questions regarding the drop/refund policy email

Drops/Refunds for Classroom and Hybrid Courses

Unless otherwise specified in the program, course or section description, you may request a drop within the following time frame:

- Courses meet for only one meeting:

You must make your drop request no later than one day prior to the first course meeting date.

- Courses with two or more meetings:

You must make your request no later than one day prior to the second course meeting date. The timeline for the drop may vary from one to 14 days after the course start date depending upon the meeting pattern of the course.

Drops/Refunds for Online Courses

For online courses, the refund deadline is 7 calendar days from and including the official course start date. For example, if the online course begins on Monday, the refund deadline for the course is the following Sunday. Failure to login or access your online course is not justification for seeking a refund.

Some courses and programs may have special refund deadlines. These refund deadlines are listed in the course description and in the enrollment confirmation email.

All refunds are subject to a $25.00 non-refundable and non-transferable administrative fee per course except when a course is canceled or rescheduled by UC Merced Extension.  In the event a course is canceled or rescheduled, a full refund of the course fee will be processed. UC Merced Extension refunds back to original payer and in the original form of payment. Please allow a minimum of 3-5 business days for processing. 

Drop/Refund and Transfer Appeals

The drop/refund and transfer deadlines and policies are strictly enforced. For continuous enrollment online courses, the maximum enrollment period as stated on the program, course or section description is strictly enforced and extensions to the course end date are not available. Please refer to information on withdrawing from your course without academic penalty.

Exceptions to the drop/refund and transfer policy will be considered only under the most unusual circumstances that can be supported with official documentation. Appeals must be submitted in writing with the subject header “Student Appeals” by email:, or by mail: UC Merced Extension, ATTN: Student Appeals, 5200 N. Lake Dr. Merced, CA 95343. Appeals will be reviewed by the Director and Extension Dean, with the Dean making the final decision.

In your appeal include:

  • Your name, your student ID, the name and section number of your course, your reason for requesting an appeal, your email address and your daytime phone number.
  • Supporting documentation of the circumstances. Documentation must be written in English and on letterhead, confirming the reasons for the appeal, including specific dates and signed by the appropriate person in an official capacity. Medical documentation must be on the medical provider’s letterhead.

UC Merced Extension has the right to approve or deny any appeal. Approved drop/refund appeals are subject to standard service charges, and students may also be responsible for prorated course fees. The review process can take 3 - 4 weeks. Failure to include all necessary information may delay the review process.

Enrollment Basics

Students enroll in UC Merced Extension courses through the UC Merced Extension Registration website. After clicking “Enroll” online the student will complete their profile and register for the course(s) through the Higher Reach Student Information System catalog.

Payment Method

Payment is required at the time of registration. Registration for a course or program is not complete until payment is received. UC Merced Extension accepts credit/debit card payments using: Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.

In-person/third-party payments require special handling. Students/Participants should contact UC Merced Extension before completing their registration online.


Request for your transcripts can be made by submitting this webform.

Beginning October 8, 2018, transcripts will cost $12 per copy.


You can submit a request to withdraw by logging in to the student portal; the withdraw request must be submitted prior to your course end date and final exam or project due date. If your request to withdraw is approved you will receive a W grade. It will appear on your official transcript. Withdrawing from a course is not the same as dropping or receiving a refund for a course; strict deadlines apply to course drops/refunds. See Drops/Refunds for more information.

Student Resources and Policies

Academic Calendar

The University of California, Merced Extension Academic Calendar can be found here.

Academic Integrity Policy
Appeals and Grievance Policy

Appeals Process

UC Merced Extension has an appeal process in place to assist candidates and faculty to resolve academic issues. This process endeavors to protect both faculty and candidates by assuring a process that allows dialogue at each step. This process is linked directly to UC Merced’s policies on the university website: Petition of Academic Policy

Definition of a Grievable Action: A greivable action is an action: (a) is in violation of written UC Merced Extension policies or procedures; or (b) constitutes arbitrary, capricious or unequal application of written UC Merced Extension policies or procedures.

Initial and Informal Appeal: The candidate who wishes to appeal must first discuss the problem with their instructor. The initial appeal may be informal by a conversation or meeting between the faculty member and the candidate. If the academic issue is not resolved, the formal appeals process is initiated. The candidate must initiate this process within 30 calendar days from the day the candidate knew, or reasonably should have known, about the action generating the complaint, excluding campus holidays, intersession periods, and summer session (e.g., within 30 days of an assignment being graded).

Formal Appeal Initiation: The formal appeal should be addressed in writing to the Teacher Preparation Site Director and/or the Director of Education Programs. The appeal must include a written statement that lays out the grounds for the appeal, and any supporting documentation. The appeal must be initiated within 30 calendar days from the day the candidate knew or reasonably should have known about the action generating the complaint, excluding campus holidays, intersession periods, and summer session (e.g., within 30 days of an assignment being graded). The valid grounds on which a student may base an appeal are confined to three areas: (1) evidence of procedural error committed intentionally or inadvertently by the Program faculty or staff and/or (2) evidence of non-academic criteria being used to evaluate academic work, including personal bias and violations of the campus nondiscrimination policy and/or (3) special mitigating circumstances beyond the student’s control (such as documented severe illness to self or immediate family, or death in the family) not properly taken into account in a decision affecting the student’s academic progress. In order to seek relief under special mitigating circumstances, the candidate must have raised the issue with the program directors as soon as possible and no later than 10 calendar days after the the mitigating circumstance began (e.g., if a documented medical condition impairs the candidate’s ability to complete the coursework, the candidate would supply the program directors with a doctor’s note no later than 10 calendar days after the medical condition began).

The Director of Education Programs shall determine the validity of an appeal with respect to whether it meets the criteria or whether additional material should be provided in order to make a determination. The candidate shall be notified as to the determination of the appeal’s validity within 30 days of the submission of the appeal. Failure of the Director of Education Programs, or his/her designate, to identify to the candidate regarding the outcome as to the validity of the appeal within 30 days shall result in referral of the appeal directly to the Extension Dean.

In cases where a resolution is not reached, the final level of appeal is the Extension Dean. The Extension Dean will review the written complaint, response from the individual(s) complained of, and submitted materials.

The Extension Dean’s office will make a final decision and notify the candidate of the outcome within 60 days of the initiation of the formal complaint. If determination is not made within the 60-day timeframe, the appeal is deemed denied.   A written summary of the appeal and the conclusions reached will be kept in the student’s academic file. If the appeal is supported, the Director for Education programs will ensure that prompt corrective action is taken. The Dean will record the final determination with the Extension Registrar’s Office.

Candidates and applicants of the teacher preparation program access all appeals processes through the university website and abide by university procedures. The process for each campus school, including UC Merced Extension, allows a student to appeal to his/her Dean after exhausting all other pathways. The links in this document direct candidates, like all UC Merced students, to the university’s policies and forms.

Time frames: All time frames are defined in terms of calendar days, excluding campus holidays, inter-session, and summer session, starting on the day the candidate either knew or reasonably should have known of the actions leading to the complaint.

Links and Resources

The following links below outline the appeals process for all academic matters and other concerns:

Any appeal based on sex discrimination or sexual harassment must be referred directly to the Office of Compliance for initial review. If the appeal remains active after the conclusion of the Title IX investigation then the appeal will be governed under the procedures described in the campus-wide Appeal Procedure.


Requesting transcripts is easy! Fill submit this webform and requests will be processed within 1-3 business days from request receipt unless preference is noted otherwise.

Course Cancellations and Transfers

UC Merced Extension cancels courses only when absolutely necessary but reserves the right to cancel, reschedule, or combine courses; to alter and discontinue curricula; and to change instructors. Because Extension receives no state tax support, courses may be canceled as late as the first scheduled class if fewer than the required minimum number of students enroll. If a course is canceled or rescheduled, you will be issued a full refund of course registration fees. We do not reimburse textbook fees, travel or accommodation costs or any expense other than the course registration fee. If you have any questions regarding the course cancel/transfer policy email

You can request to change sections or to enroll in a different course by email to Unless specified otherwise in the program, course descriptions, all transfer requests are subject to a nonrefundable transfer processing fee of $25.00 per class and must be made within the transfer policy time lines stated below. Transfer requests that are a result of course cancellations are not subject to the transfer processing fee.

Approvals for transfer are based on course and space availability and the scheduled course start date. Any difference in course fees is assessed and due at the time of the transfer. Transfer request will not be approved and processed until all outstanding balances are paid in full to the University. If you have any questions regarding the transfer policy, please email

Note: All transfer deadlines below apply to the class in which you are currently enrolled. You must meet all the course prerequisites if listed in the course description before the transfer is approved and processed.

Transfers for Classroom and Hybrid Courses

Unless otherwise specified in the program, course or section description, you may request to transfer within the following time frame:

- Between courses with fewer than five meetings: Transfer requests must be made one business day before the course start date of both courses, provided the enrollment limit of the course you are transferring to has not been reached. You must meet all prerequisites if any are listed in the course description. If the courses meet on the weekend, the transfer deadline is the Friday immediately before the courses start.

- Between courses with six or more meetings: Transfer requests must be made one business day before the  second course meeting of both courses, provided the enrollment limit of the course you are transferring to has  not been reached. You must meet all prerequisites if any are listed in the course description. If the courses meet on the weekend, the transfer deadline is the Friday immediately before the second class meeting of both courses. The timeline for transferring varies from one to 14 days after course start dates, depending on the course meeting pattern.

Transfer for Online Courses

For fixed-date online courses, you can request transfers up to six days after the course start date. For continuous-enrollment online courses, you can request transfers up to six days after you enroll. If the sixth day falls on the weekend, the transfer deadline is the Friday immediately before the deadline. As an alternative, you can submit an online drop/refund request from your student portal and re-enroll in the desired section. Please carefully review the instructions and time lines for drops/refunds prior to submitting a drop/refund request.


The University of California, Merced, is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). UC Merced Extension is accredited by WSCUC through the University.

Clery Act and Crime Statistics

“Safety Matters” is UC Merced’s annual security report. This publication offers information about our police department, campus crime statistics and a wealth of information about safety and security. It can be found at or to learn more about UC Merced’s annual crime statistics at

Drop/Refund Information

UC Merced Extension must receive the course drop request online through the course registration site within the approved drop period. Once logged into the registration site, select Academics > Current Sections > Request Drop and follow the prompts to drop the course.

Drop requests received after the deadline will be processed as a Withdrawal (see the Withdrawal policy for more information). If UC Merced Extension does not receive the drop request by the deadline, the student may request an incomplete (I) or withdraw (W) from the course if there is appropriate justification.

If you are experiencing problems requesting a drop through your student portal/account, email for assistance.

Unless specified otherwise in the program, course or section description, all drop requests are subject to a nonrefundable refund processing fee of $25.00 per class and must be made within the drop/refund policy timelines as stated below.

UC Merced Extension cancels courses only when absolutely necessary but reserves the right to cancel, reschedule, or combine courses; to alter and discontinue curricula; and to change instructors. Because Extension receives no state tax support, courses may be canceled as late as the first scheduled class if fewer than the required minimum number of students enroll. If a course is canceled or rescheduled, you will be issued a full refund of course registration fees. We do not reimburse textbook fees, travel or accommodation costs or any expense other than the course registration fee. If you have any questions regarding the drop/refund policy email

Drops/Refunds for Classroom and Hybrid Courses

Unless otherwise specified in the program, course or section description, you may request a drop within the following time frame:

- Courses meet for only one meeting:

You must make your drop request no later than one day prior to the first course meeting date.

- Courses with two or more meetings:

You must make your request no later than one day prior to the second course meeting date. The timeline for the drop may vary from one to 14 days after the course start date depending upon the meeting pattern of the course.

Drops/Refunds for Online Courses

For online courses, the refund deadline is 7 calendar days from and including the official course start date. For example, if the online course begins on Monday, the refund deadline for the course is the following Sunday. Failure to login or access your online course is not justification for seeking a refund.

Some courses and programs may have special refund deadlines. These refund deadlines are listed in the course description and in the enrollment confirmation email.

All refunds are subject to a $25.00 non-refundable and non-transferable administrative fee per course except when a course is canceled or rescheduled by UC Merced Extension.  In the event a course is canceled or rescheduled, a full refund of the course fee will be processed. UC Merced Extension refunds back to original payer and in the original form of payment. Please allow a minimum of 3-5 business days for processing. 

Drop/Refund and Transfer Appeals

The drop/refund and transfer deadlines and policies are strictly enforced. For continuous enrollment online courses, the maximum enrollment period as stated on the program, course or section description is strictly enforced and extensions to the course end date are not available. Please refer to information on withdrawing from your course without academic penalty.

Exceptions to the drop/refund and transfer policy will be considered only under the most unusual circumstances that can be supported with official documentation. Appeals must be submitted in writing with the subject header “Student Appeals” by email:, or by mail: UC Merced Extension, ATTN: Student Appeals, 5200 N. Lake Dr. Merced, CA 95343. Appeals will be reviewed by the Director and Extension Dean, with the Dean making the final decision.

In your appeal include:

  • Your name, your student ID, the name and section number of your course, your reason for requesting an appeal, your email address and your daytime phone number.
  • Supporting documentation of the circumstances. Documentation must be written in English and on letterhead, confirming the reasons for the appeal, including specific dates and signed by the appropriate person in an official capacity. Medical documentation must be on the medical provider’s letterhead.

UC Merced Extension has the right to approve or deny any appeal. Approved drop/refund appeals are subject to standard service charges, and students may also be responsible for prorated course fees. The review process can take 3 - 4 weeks. Failure to include all necessary information may delay the review process.

Course Numbers and Prefixes

Classification of Courses

The level of instruction for all University of California courses which award academic credit is designated by a course number which falls within series defined as follows:

  • 1-99. Undergraduate/Lower Division courses which are open to freshmen and sophomores.
  • 100-199. Undergraduate/Upper division courses ordinarily open only to students who have completed at least one lower division course in the given subject, or four semesters of college work. Independent study courses at the undergraduate level are numbered 199.
  • 200-299. Graduate courses ordinarily open only to students who have completed at least 12 semester upper division units basic to the subject matter of the course.
  • 300-399. Professional courses for teachers offered in Departments and Schools of Education, and specially designed for teachers or prospective teachers.
  • 400-499. Professional courses in fields other than Education.
  • Individual study or research graduate courses numbered 500-599 if they may be used to satisfy minimum higher degree requirements, which are otherwise numbered 600-699.

UC Merced Extension further classifies courses which do not result in the award of University level academic credit, as follows:

  • 700-799. Experimental, public service, public policy forums, test preparation courses, and courses which showcase research or developments in the professions or local industry, which are non-credit bearing and in which student work is not evaluated.
  • 800-899. Advanced professional seminars, courses, and short-courses, in which student work is evaluated, which may lead to the award of a letter grade, PASS/FAIL grade, or Continuing Education Unit (CEU) in lieu of academic credit.
  • 900-999. Courses for which University credit are not awarded, but in which student work is evaluated and grades are posted. College preparatory courses and English as a Second Language (ESL) courses are examples of the type to be classified in this series.
  • 1000-1099. Professional or cultural enrichment seminars, courses and short-courses in which student work is not evaluated, but leads to the award of Continuing Education Unit (CEU) in lieu of academic credit.

UC Merced Extension typically presents courses in the undergraduate series numbered 1-199 (except independent studies), the 300 series, the 400 series, and the non-credit series ranging from 700-1099.

In addition to the numbering schema, the University uses letter designations preceding the "course number" to indicate Extension's agency in offering the course, and to indicate the Senate division offering academic approval, as follows:

  • An "X" prefixed to the course number indicates that the course bears University-level academic credit, and that the course is offered through Extension. When the "X" appears alone, the Extension course has no counterpart in the UC Merced curriculum, although the content meets the standards for the course series. (Courses numbered 700 and above offered through Extension are not prefixed with an "X" as they bear no credit.)
  • The "X", modified with a senate-division designator such as "M", indicates that the course bears University-level academic credit, that it is offered through Extension, and that the course is by Senate regulation considered "equivalent" to a course offered in the regular curriculum of the Senate Division which approved the course. ("M" indicates Merced. "B" indicates Berkeley, "SB" indicates Santa Barbara, etc.)
Disability Services

Visit the Disability Services website for information.

Enrollment Basics

Students enroll in UC Merced Extension courses through the UC Merced Extension Registration website. After clicking “Enroll” online the student will complete their profile and register for the course(s) through the Higher Reach Student Information System catalog.

FERPA – Confidentiality and Student Rights

Pursuant to the Federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and the University of California Policies Applying to the Disclosure of Information from Student Records, UC Merced Extension students have the right to:

  1. The right to inspect and review their student records within 45 days of the date the Extension Office receives a written request for access. Students should submit their requests in writing to the Extension Office or appropriate campus official for the office having custody of the requested records. The request must identify the record(s) they wish to inspect and review. The campus official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the official receiving the request, that official shall advise the student of the correct official and redirect the request.      
  2. The right to request the amendment of their student records if a student believes the records is inaccurate or misleading. Students should submit a written request to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading to the campus official responsible for the record, clearly identifying the portion of the record they want changed, and specifying why it is believed to be inaccurate or misleading. If Extension determines that the record should not be amended as requested by the student, Extension will notify the student of the decision and advise him/her of the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in their student records, except to the extent that law and policy authorize disclosure without consent.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by UC Merced Extension to comply with the requirements of the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act, addressed to the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Washington, D.C. 20202-4605.

One exception permitting disclosure without consent is disclosure to campus officials having a legitimate educational interest in the records. A campus official is any individual designated by the campus to perform an assigned function on behalf of the campus. Legitimate educational interest means a demonstrated need to know by officials who act in a student’s educational interest. A campus official has a “legitimate educational interest” in a record if the official is performing a task:

  1. specified in his or her job description;
  2. specifically related to the official’s participation in the student’s education;
  3. specifically related to the discipline of a student; or
  4. specifically related to providing a service or benefit associated with a student or student’s family, such as health care, counseling, job placement or financial aid.

Another exception permitting disclosure without consent is Directory (or public) Information, defined as information contained in a student record that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed, unless the student has notified the Extension Office that such information is to be treated as confidential with respect to him/herself.

UC Merced Extension has established these items as Directory (or public) Information: the student’s name, phone number, email address, program of study, dates of attendance, earned certificates, enrollment status (Full-Time; Part-Time), photographs and program completion information. UC Merced Extension directory information is available upon request only and will not be posted online or by any other means.

How a Student Can Change Their Level of Privacy

A student who wants to withhold all from the category of Directory (public) information must file a nondisclosure form in the UC Merced Extension Office by the 10th day of instruction. If a student does not choose this option, this information may be released without student written authorization.

Students availing themselves of this right should understand what the consequences of such action might be. For example, if all information is designated nonpublic information the student’s status as a student or any certificates earned cannot be verified for potential employers or for any inquiries without the student’s written consent.

Questions: Questions about these rights should be referred to the Extension Office by emailing

University of California Policy Related to the Disclosure of Information from Student Records

The University of California policy related to student record information disclosure, please review

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment of all persons who participate in University programs and activities is prohibited by law and by University regulation (Policy 380-12). Sexual harassment is unacceptable and will not be condoned on the UC Merced campus.

Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus
Payment Method

Payment is required at the time of registration. Registration for a course or program is not complete until payment is received. UC Merced Extension accepts credit/debit card payments using: Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.

In-person/third-party payments require special handling. Students/Participants should contact UC Merced Extension before completing their registration online.


If you enroll for credit, you must meet the attendance, participation and course requirements set by the instructor. You can log in to your student portal to view your final grades and CEUs. 

Until all outstanding balances to the university are paid in full, a hold may be placed on your student account that prevents you from viewing and printing your final course grades, CEUs and grade reports and from ordering an official transcript.

Grading Basis Options

When you enroll in a credit course, you will receive a letter grade. In some courses, however you may opt to take the course for a passed/not passed grade (P/NP) or to take the course on a noncredit basis (NC) by submitting a Petition for Grade Option Change form. If you opt to change from a letter grade to a P/NP grade you must inform your instructor prior to your course end date and final exam or project due date. If you plan to apply that course toward a degree or professional certificate, you should first make sure that a P/NP grade is accepted. Please note that most institutions do not accept noncredit courses and noncredit grade options for transfer credit. We cannot change a P/NP grade or a NC grade option to a letter grade after recording it. If you are unable to complete your course, you can also submit a petition to withdraw without academic penalty prior to your course end date and final exam or project due date.

Grading System Grades

Grades                                     Quality Points

A+       Excellent                      4.0

A         Excellent                      4.0

A–        Excellent                      3.7

B+        Good                           3.3

B          Good                           3.0

B-        Good                           2.7

C+        Fair                              2.3

C          Fair                              2.0

C-        Fair                              1.7

D+       Barely passing              1.3

D         Barely Passing              1.0

D-        Barely passing              0.7

F          Not Passing                  0.0

P          Passed (equivalent to a C- or higher)    

NP       Not passed (lower than a C-)

S         Satisfactory

U         Unsatisfactory

I           Incomplete

IP         In-Progress

NR       No Report: when instructor fails to report a grade

Other Grade Letter Designations

NC       Not for credit - Signifies attendance but not completion of credit requirements

W         Withdraw without academic penalty

I           Incomplete, may be assigned by an instructor on an exceptional basis if the student’s coursework has been passing quality but not finished during the term or enrollment period due to circumstance beyond the student’s control.

Incomplete grades are contingent on instructor approval, and instructors are under no obligation to grant them. To complete the course and receive a final grade, you must complete the course requirements within three months of the course end date. If you do not complete the work as agreed, instructors may opt to submit a final failing grade for you. If left unresolved, the grade Incomplete (I) in any course becomes part of your permanent academic record.

  • An “I” grade designation is issued only if the instructor approves and all of the following criteria are met:
  • You present extenuating circumstances to your instructor for not completing the course by the course end date
  • You have successfully completed 75% of the assignments, assessments or projects at least three weeks prior to the course end date.
  • You and the instructor have made a written agreement on the work required to complete the course and the due date by which you will submit the work to the instructor. The due date must be within three months of the course end date,
  • You must sign and present the Petition for Incomplete Grade form to the instructor prior to the course end date. Online students should provide the completed petition form to instructors by scanning and emailing it as an attachment.
  • For classroom and hybrid courses, instructor must note on the form the percentage of course work completed and graded and the cumulative grade the student has earned to date. For online courses, instructors must note on the form all of the modules that have been submitted, graded and entered into the LMS gradebook to date (e.g., Modules 1-8) and the remaining modules the student must complete (e.g., Modules 9-10).
  • Once completed and signed by you and the instructor, the instructor should forward the original incomplete grade petition form to You and the instructor should each retain a copy of the signed form.
  • Online Students Only: Once enrollment expires or a grade I is recorded, you no longer have access to the online classroom or discussion forum. You must coordinate with your instructor to copy or print out any information from the online classroom or discussion forum that you need for reference as you continue and complete your coursework beyond your enrollment period.

Grade Point Averages

UC Merced Extension does not calculate or record an official grade point average (GPA) on your transcript, GPAs can be unofficially calculated on the basis of grades and number of units. The University’s scale of grade points is A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0, D=1, F=0. A plus (+) or minus (-) may also be recorded. Grades with a plus sign (such as B+) carry 0.3 points per unit; minus grades (such as A-) carry 0.3 points less. (An A+ counts as 4.0). Work is shown in semester units unless otherwise noted.

Final Grade Reviews and Appeals

All student grades except “Incomplete” are final when submitted by the instructor to UC Merced Extension at the end of the course. An instructor may request a change of grade when a computational or procedural error occurred in the original assignment of a grade, but a grade may not be changed or revised as a result of reevaluation of student work, student reexamination or the submission of additional student work after the end of the course.

UC Merced Extension considers grades to be a matter of academic judgment on the part of the instructor. You may only challenge your grade and request a final grade review in certain circumstances. Grounds for requesting a grade review at the end of the course include:

  1. Application of nonacademic criteria –such as consideration of race, politics, religion or gender – not directly reflective of performance related to course requirements;
  2. Sexual harassment; or,
  3. Clerical or procedural error in the calculation of the student’s final grade.

Consult your instructor if you have a question about your final grade. If the matter is not resolved at the instructor level, write to your CE Director to request a final grade review within 30 days after your final grade is posted to your student record. Within your final grade review request, state which of the above three criteria comprises the grounds for the request, The CE Director conducts the grade review and informs you of his or her decision - including any remedies, if applicable – within 30 days of receiving  the request for review.

If, and only if, the above procedures have failed to resolve the matter, you may appeal the CE Director’s decision by submitting a letter addressed to UC Merced Extension, ATTN: Extension Dean 5200 N Lake Road, Merced, CA 95343

This written request for appeal must be initiated within 30 days after receiving the decision from the CE Director. The dean’s designee reviews the request for appeal, conducts an investigation and makes a decision – including any remedies, if applicable – within 30 days of receiving the request for appeal. The dean’s designee makes the final decision for all unresolved grade appeals for all students enrolled in UC Merced courses and programs.

In extenuating circumstances, the above timelines may be extended.


The University of California, in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and University policy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, medical condition (cancer-related), ancestry, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation or status as a Vietnam-era veteran or special disabled veteran. The University also prohibits sexual harassment. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission, access and treatment in University programs and activities.

Inquiries regarding the University’s student related nondiscrimination policies may be directed to Student Conduct staff in the Office of Student Life.


Request for your transcripts can be made by submitting this webform.

Beginning October 8, 2018, transcripts will cost $12 per copy.

Student Conduct

All members of the UC Merced Extension community are expected to act with honesty, integrity and respect for others.

UC Merced Extension, as a unit of the University of California, Merced, is a continuing education and professional community committed to maintaining an environment that encourages personal, professional and intellectual growth. It is a community with high standards and high expectations for those who choose to become a part of it. This behavior includes abiding by the established rules of conduct intended to foster behaviors that are consistent with a civil and professional educational setting. Members of the UC Merced Extension community are expected to comply with all laws, University policies and campus regulations, conducting themselves in ways that support a professional and safe learning environment. In this context, instructors are guided by UC Merced Extension's instructor conduct policies. Students are guided by the UC Merced Code of Student Conduct (PDF).


You can submit a request to withdraw by logging in to the student portal; the withdraw request must be submitted prior to your course end date and final exam or project due date. If your request to withdraw is approved you will receive a W grade. It will appear on your official transcript. Withdrawing from a course is not the same as dropping or receiving a refund for a course; strict deadlines apply to course drops/refunds. See Drops/Refunds for more information.

Student Verification Policy for Online Instruction

Student Verification Policy for Online Instruction
UC Merced Extension

November, 2018

I. Purpose

This describes the process for verifying the identity of UC Merced Extension students enrolled in online academic courses, for which there are no in-person meetings.

This policy is consistent with the WSCUC Distance Education Review Guide, which states:

“WSCUC requires institutions that offer distance education to have processes in place through which the institution establishes that the student who registers in a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program and receives the academic credit. To meet this requirement, the institution must employ, at its option, methods to verify the student who participates, such as:

  • A secure login and pass code
  • Proctored examinations
  • New or other technologies or practices that are effective in verifying student identification.”

II. Overview

  1. UC Merced Extension requires at least one proctored/supervised exam or experience per online course for which students are required to present photo identification upon signing in or appearing for the proctored experience or test. In this way, instructors are able to verify that the individual participating in the assignment or exam is the same individual who is enrolled and receiving a grade for the course.

UC Merced Extension adheres to the UC Merced Code of Conduct and Academic Honesty Policy . It is expected and required that only the individual who is registered in a course will produce and submit assignments and take examinations for that course. Violations of this requirement will be processed according to these UC Merced policies.

To protect student privacy, instructors should perform identity checks one-on-one and not in front of other students. This is especially important in an online environment, where a student should only be required to present identification directly to the instructor and not in a setting where classmates can see private information.

  1. Proctored Exams/Experiences

Distance courses, including asynchronous courses, may require an in-person meeting, assignment or examination at a specific day and time. This information must be published in the course description of the unique section the student enrolls in so they are aware of the meeting day and time prior to registration.

  1. In person Exams

Proctor exams in a classroom setting where students show a photo ID (driver’s license, passport, or student ID card) before they take their test. UC Merced Extension distance courses that require in-person, exams on a specific day and time will state such a requirement in the course description of the unique section the student enrolls in, and will be stated on the syllabus.

  1. Online with Examity or Proctor U*

Both Examity and Proctor U offer live online proctoring for academic institutions. Webcams and other similar technology are utilized to monitor students taking exams online.

*Online proctor fees are paid by the student directly to the vendor. The current cost is $20.00 per proctored experience (price is subject to change by agreement between the University of California and the vendor). This cost must be published in the course description of the unique section the student enrolls in so they are aware of the additional fee prior to registration.

  1. Alternatives to Proctored Exams
  1. Presentations

Presentations give students the opportunity to display knowledge gained in the course and present that information to their classmates and instructor. Instructors should check student identity by verifying IDs in a one-on-one online or in person meeting prior to the presentation.

  1. Zoom: Using the online conferencing tool Zoom, instructors could require students to lead presentations and discussion sessions with their classmates. This method requires students to present information and to answer discussion questions similar to that of an in-class setting. This method may be utilized with the entire class, small groups within a class, or for an individual student and the instructor, depending on the needs and requirements of the course.
  2. Pre-recorded Video Presentations: Students create video presentations in which their voices must be heard and faces must be seen as they cover specific information from the course as assigned by the instructor.
  3. In-Person Class Meetings: To facilitate student presentations and whole-group discussions in a classroom setting.


  • If students are required to be physically present at a certain time and location, this information must be published in the course catalog at the time of enrollment, as well as in the syllabus.
  • If special equipment is required (webcam, speakers, etc.), this information must be published in the course catalog at the time of enrollment, as well as in the syllabus.
  • If an online proctoring service is used and students are responsible for paying the testing fee out of pocket, the cost must be published in the course catalog at the time of enrollment, as well as in the syllabus.

Open University

Requirements to Participate in Open University (Concurrent Enrollment)
  • Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) is based on available space, and class participation and assignments are the same as for regular students. The program is available during the fall and spring semesters.
  • All campus debts must be paid in full in order to participate in Open University. Failure to report outstanding balances on campus may result in application denial. Financial aid is not available for Open University (Concurrent Enrollment).
  • UC Students must be in good academic standing with their home University of California (UC) campus. If currently on academic warning or probation, students are required to present written approval from the home UC campus in addition to the Open University application form. 
  • The academic records of Open University students are separate from the UC Merced academic record. Participation in Open University does not confer or suggest status as a regular UC Merced matriculated student, nor does it grant any priority to an applicant for regular admission.
  • Enrollment in Open University is on a term-by-term basis. This means that acceptance for one term does not guarantee acceptance in any future term. Applications are reviewed and students will be notified if there is an issue with their application.
  • Students are not eligible to complete courses through UC Merced's Open University Program if they can answer either of the following conditions:

*They have any financial obligations to the University of California.
*They have ever been barred from the campus by police or court order. 

  • Students on probation or dismissed from UC Merced at the end of their last regular semester will need permission of their School to enroll. 
  • Students who left UC Merced without completing an undergraduate degree will need the permission of their school to enroll.
  • Open University students do not have access to the full range of courses and services provided for students paying full tuition:
    • Enrollment in research or independent study is not allowed.
    • Open University students do not have access to campus health services or campus recreation facilities such as the gym.
    • You will need a Cat Card identification card (a $20 fee applies) in order to access on-campus resources, such as the library.
    • You may purchase a parking permit through the Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) office to park on campus, or you may use the parking permit dispensers to buy a permit daily.
  • Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) students must submit the Concurrent Enrollment application prior to the first day of instruction.
  • Any application submitted on or after the first day of instruction is considered late, and late fees will apply.
  • Applications for Open University will not be accepted after the second Friday of instruction in the term.
  • Open University students can enroll in courses beginning the sixth day of instruction but must enroll no later than the end of the third week of instruction. An Open University student working with a course instructor may request access to the course webpage from the course instructor so they may access course materials until they can officially enroll in the second week of instruction. 
Students with Undergraduate Degrees
  • Students can take graduate-level classes with the approval of the graduate division.
  • An additional signature is required on the Instructor Approval Form.
  • Students can take undergraduate courses as prerequisites to graduate programs or possibly second baccalaureate programs. 


Former UC Merced Students Interested in Open University (Concurrent Enrollment)

Former UC Merced students taking the last course to graduate with an undergraduate degree are in a special category and will be required to obey certain rules and policies related to the Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) Program. While courses taken through the Open University Program can count toward a degree at UC Merced, those seeking a degree from this campus should contact an academic advisor in their school for approval before enrolling.

  • Former UC Merced students will need permission from their School Dean prior to enrolling in Open University. The school will determine how many Open University units and/or courses a student may apply to their undergraduate degree graduation requirements. Typically, this will not be more than two courses. 
  • All campus debts must be paid in full. Failure to report outstanding balances on campus may result in application denial.
  • A student must be in good standing. Students currently on academic warning or probation must present written approval from your school with the Concurrent Enrollment application form.
  • Grade point averages (GPA) for courses taken through Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) are not counted toward fulfilling requirements for the degree.

Students on the Education Leave Program may not enroll in Open University while they are on leave from UC Merced.

How to Apply
  1. Click here to apply. Complete the application prior to the first day of instruction. Applications submitted on the first day of instruction through the second Friday of instruction are considered late. Applications are not accepted after the second Friday of instruction in a given term.
  2. The associated application fee will be applied to your MyBill once you are officially enrolled in a class(s). A Late Application Fee will be charged for applications submitted beginning the first day of UC Merced instruction through the second Friday of instruction.
  3. You will receive email notification of your application’s approval or denial. 
  4. If your application is approved, please email the course instructor. Let the instructor know you are an Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) student. The instructor may ask you to wait until they can determine if there will be space in the course after degree-seeking students have enrolled. You may request permission from the instructor to access the course webpage, but granting access early is the decision of the instructor. Once you have received permission from the instructor to enroll, please forward that email to, with the subject line “Open University Student Enrollment”, and include your full name and UC Merced id number if you have one.
  5. Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) students can officially enroll in courses beginning the second week of instruction but must enroll no later than the end of the third week of instruction.
  6. Full payment of all fees on MyBill must be made within 24 hours of enrollment in the course(s). Registration is only complete upon payment of all fees. Students who have not paid fees within 24 hours are subject to drop for non-payment.
  7. Once enrolled, withdrawals must be requested by email to with the subject line "Open University Request for Withdrawal". Refunds are not available for Open University/Concurrent Enrollment courses.
Enrollment and Payment
  1. Attend the first class meeting of the course(s) in which you wish to enroll. If the course is online or offered by remote means, this will require you to be in contact with the course instructor prior to the first course meeting.
  2. Communicate with your Instructor Approval Form prior to the first-course meeting and let the instructor know that you are an Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) student.
  3. The instructor may ask you to wait until they can determine if there will be space in the course after regular students have enrolled.
  4. Return the signed (virtual signatures are acceptable) and completed instructor approval form(s) to or to the Students First Center in person if they are open for in-person services.
  5. Fees will be applied to your account in MyBill once you have enrolled in a course(s).

Courses are open for enrollment on a space-available basis. Fees are due within 24 hours of enrollment. Registration is complete upon payment of all appropriate fees and charges.

There are no refunds for Open University enrollment.

Fee Schedule
  • First Time Enrollee Application Fee: $55
  • Prior Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) Student Application Fee: $10
  • Late Application Fee (required beginning the first day of instruction): $100
  • Per-Undergraduate Unit Registration Fee: $419
  • Per-Graduate Unit Registration Fee: $523


University of California tuition and fee levels are set by the Regents of the University of California and are subject to change without notice.
Additional information may be found at the University of California, Office of the President webpage.

Student Resources and Policies

Academic Calendar

The University of California, Merced Extension Academic Calendar can be found here.

Academic Integrity Policy
Appeals and Grievance Policy

Appeals Process

UC Merced Extension has an appeal process in place to assist candidates and faculty to resolve academic issues. This process endeavors to protect both faculty and candidates by assuring a process that allows dialogue at each step. This process is linked directly to UC Merced’s policies on the university website: Petition of Academic Policy

Definition of a Grievable Action: A greivable action is an action: (a) is in violation of written UC Merced Extension policies or procedures; or (b) constitutes arbitrary, capricious or unequal application of written UC Merced Extension policies or procedures.

Initial and Informal Appeal: The candidate who wishes to appeal must first discuss the problem with their instructor. The initial appeal may be informal by a conversation or meeting between the faculty member and the candidate. If the academic issue is not resolved, the formal appeals process is initiated. The candidate must initiate this process within 30 calendar days from the day the candidate knew, or reasonably should have known, about the action generating the complaint, excluding campus holidays, intersession periods, and summer session (e.g., within 30 days of an assignment being graded).

Formal Appeal Initiation: The formal appeal should be addressed in writing to the Teacher Preparation Site Director and/or the Director of Education Programs. The appeal must include a written statement that lays out the grounds for the appeal, and any supporting documentation. The appeal must be initiated within 30 calendar days from the day the candidate knew or reasonably should have known about the action generating the complaint, excluding campus holidays, intersession periods, and summer session (e.g., within 30 days of an assignment being graded). The valid grounds on which a student may base an appeal are confined to three areas: (1) evidence of procedural error committed intentionally or inadvertently by the Program faculty or staff and/or (2) evidence of non-academic criteria being used to evaluate academic work, including personal bias and violations of the campus nondiscrimination policy and/or (3) special mitigating circumstances beyond the student’s control (such as documented severe illness to self or immediate family, or death in the family) not properly taken into account in a decision affecting the student’s academic progress. In order to seek relief under special mitigating circumstances, the candidate must have raised the issue with the program directors as soon as possible and no later than 10 calendar days after the the mitigating circumstance began (e.g., if a documented medical condition impairs the candidate’s ability to complete the coursework, the candidate would supply the program directors with a doctor’s note no later than 10 calendar days after the medical condition began).

The Director of Education Programs shall determine the validity of an appeal with respect to whether it meets the criteria or whether additional material should be provided in order to make a determination. The candidate shall be notified as to the determination of the appeal’s validity within 30 days of the submission of the appeal. Failure of the Director of Education Programs, or his/her designate, to identify to the candidate regarding the outcome as to the validity of the appeal within 30 days shall result in referral of the appeal directly to the Extension Dean.

In cases where a resolution is not reached, the final level of appeal is the Extension Dean. The Extension Dean will review the written complaint, response from the individual(s) complained of, and submitted materials.

The Extension Dean’s office will make a final decision and notify the candidate of the outcome within 60 days of the initiation of the formal complaint. If determination is not made within the 60-day timeframe, the appeal is deemed denied.   A written summary of the appeal and the conclusions reached will be kept in the student’s academic file. If the appeal is supported, the Director for Education programs will ensure that prompt corrective action is taken. The Dean will record the final determination with the Extension Registrar’s Office.

Candidates and applicants of the teacher preparation program access all appeals processes through the university website and abide by university procedures. The process for each campus school, including UC Merced Extension, allows a student to appeal to his/her Dean after exhausting all other pathways. The links in this document direct candidates, like all UC Merced students, to the university’s policies and forms.

Time frames: All time frames are defined in terms of calendar days, excluding campus holidays, inter-session, and summer session, starting on the day the candidate either knew or reasonably should have known of the actions leading to the complaint.

Links and Resources

The following links below outline the appeals process for all academic matters and other concerns:

Any appeal based on sex discrimination or sexual harassment must be referred directly to the Office of Compliance for initial review. If the appeal remains active after the conclusion of the Title IX investigation then the appeal will be governed under the procedures described in the campus-wide Appeal Procedure.


Requesting transcripts is easy! Fill submit this webform and requests will be processed within 1-3 business days from request receipt unless preference is noted otherwise.

Course Cancellations and Transfers

UC Merced Extension cancels courses only when absolutely necessary but reserves the right to cancel, reschedule, or combine courses; to alter and discontinue curricula; and to change instructors. Because Extension receives no state tax support, courses may be canceled as late as the first scheduled class if fewer than the required minimum number of students enroll. If a course is canceled or rescheduled, you will be issued a full refund of course registration fees. We do not reimburse textbook fees, travel or accommodation costs or any expense other than the course registration fee. If you have any questions regarding the course cancel/transfer policy email

You can request to change sections or to enroll in a different course by email to Unless specified otherwise in the program, course descriptions, all transfer requests are subject to a nonrefundable transfer processing fee of $25.00 per class and must be made within the transfer policy time lines stated below. Transfer requests that are a result of course cancellations are not subject to the transfer processing fee.

Approvals for transfer are based on course and space availability and the scheduled course start date. Any difference in course fees is assessed and due at the time of the transfer. Transfer request will not be approved and processed until all outstanding balances are paid in full to the University. If you have any questions regarding the transfer policy, please email

Note: All transfer deadlines below apply to the class in which you are currently enrolled. You must meet all the course prerequisites if listed in the course description before the transfer is approved and processed.

Transfers for Classroom and Hybrid Courses

Unless otherwise specified in the program, course or section description, you may request to transfer within the following time frame:

- Between courses with fewer than five meetings: Transfer requests must be made one business day before the course start date of both courses, provided the enrollment limit of the course you are transferring to has not been reached. You must meet all prerequisites if any are listed in the course description. If the courses meet on the weekend, the transfer deadline is the Friday immediately before the courses start.

- Between courses with six or more meetings: Transfer requests must be made one business day before the  second course meeting of both courses, provided the enrollment limit of the course you are transferring to has  not been reached. You must meet all prerequisites if any are listed in the course description. If the courses meet on the weekend, the transfer deadline is the Friday immediately before the second class meeting of both courses. The timeline for transferring varies from one to 14 days after course start dates, depending on the course meeting pattern.

Transfer for Online Courses

For fixed-date online courses, you can request transfers up to six days after the course start date. For continuous-enrollment online courses, you can request transfers up to six days after you enroll. If the sixth day falls on the weekend, the transfer deadline is the Friday immediately before the deadline. As an alternative, you can submit an online drop/refund request from your student portal and re-enroll in the desired section. Please carefully review the instructions and time lines for drops/refunds prior to submitting a drop/refund request.


The University of California, Merced, is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). UC Merced Extension is accredited by WSCUC through the University.

Clery Act and Crime Statistics

“Safety Matters” is UC Merced’s annual security report. This publication offers information about our police department, campus crime statistics and a wealth of information about safety and security. It can be found at or to learn more about UC Merced’s annual crime statistics at

Drop/Refund Information

UC Merced Extension must receive the course drop request online through the course registration site within the approved drop period. Once logged into the registration site, select Academics > Current Sections > Request Drop and follow the prompts to drop the course.

Drop requests received after the deadline will be processed as a Withdrawal (see the Withdrawal policy for more information). If UC Merced Extension does not receive the drop request by the deadline, the student may request an incomplete (I) or withdraw (W) from the course if there is appropriate justification.

If you are experiencing problems requesting a drop through your student portal/account, email for assistance.

Unless specified otherwise in the program, course or section description, all drop requests are subject to a nonrefundable refund processing fee of $25.00 per class and must be made within the drop/refund policy timelines as stated below.

UC Merced Extension cancels courses only when absolutely necessary but reserves the right to cancel, reschedule, or combine courses; to alter and discontinue curricula; and to change instructors. Because Extension receives no state tax support, courses may be canceled as late as the first scheduled class if fewer than the required minimum number of students enroll. If a course is canceled or rescheduled, you will be issued a full refund of course registration fees. We do not reimburse textbook fees, travel or accommodation costs or any expense other than the course registration fee. If you have any questions regarding the drop/refund policy email

Drops/Refunds for Classroom and Hybrid Courses

Unless otherwise specified in the program, course or section description, you may request a drop within the following time frame:

- Courses meet for only one meeting:

You must make your drop request no later than one day prior to the first course meeting date.

- Courses with two or more meetings:

You must make your request no later than one day prior to the second course meeting date. The timeline for the drop may vary from one to 14 days after the course start date depending upon the meeting pattern of the course.

Drops/Refunds for Online Courses

For online courses, the refund deadline is 7 calendar days from and including the official course start date. For example, if the online course begins on Monday, the refund deadline for the course is the following Sunday. Failure to login or access your online course is not justification for seeking a refund.

Some courses and programs may have special refund deadlines. These refund deadlines are listed in the course description and in the enrollment confirmation email.

All refunds are subject to a $25.00 non-refundable and non-transferable administrative fee per course except when a course is canceled or rescheduled by UC Merced Extension.  In the event a course is canceled or rescheduled, a full refund of the course fee will be processed. UC Merced Extension refunds back to original payer and in the original form of payment. Please allow a minimum of 3-5 business days for processing. 

Drop/Refund and Transfer Appeals

The drop/refund and transfer deadlines and policies are strictly enforced. For continuous enrollment online courses, the maximum enrollment period as stated on the program, course or section description is strictly enforced and extensions to the course end date are not available. Please refer to information on withdrawing from your course without academic penalty.

Exceptions to the drop/refund and transfer policy will be considered only under the most unusual circumstances that can be supported with official documentation. Appeals must be submitted in writing with the subject header “Student Appeals” by email:, or by mail: UC Merced Extension, ATTN: Student Appeals, 5200 N. Lake Dr. Merced, CA 95343. Appeals will be reviewed by the Director and Extension Dean, with the Dean making the final decision.

In your appeal include:

  • Your name, your student ID, the name and section number of your course, your reason for requesting an appeal, your email address and your daytime phone number.
  • Supporting documentation of the circumstances. Documentation must be written in English and on letterhead, confirming the reasons for the appeal, including specific dates and signed by the appropriate person in an official capacity. Medical documentation must be on the medical provider’s letterhead.

UC Merced Extension has the right to approve or deny any appeal. Approved drop/refund appeals are subject to standard service charges, and students may also be responsible for prorated course fees. The review process can take 3 - 4 weeks. Failure to include all necessary information may delay the review process.

Course Numbers and Prefixes

Classification of Courses

The level of instruction for all University of California courses which award academic credit is designated by a course number which falls within series defined as follows:

  • 1-99. Undergraduate/Lower Division courses which are open to freshmen and sophomores.
  • 100-199. Undergraduate/Upper division courses ordinarily open only to students who have completed at least one lower division course in the given subject, or four semesters of college work. Independent study courses at the undergraduate level are numbered 199.
  • 200-299. Graduate courses ordinarily open only to students who have completed at least 12 semester upper division units basic to the subject matter of the course.
  • 300-399. Professional courses for teachers offered in Departments and Schools of Education, and specially designed for teachers or prospective teachers.
  • 400-499. Professional courses in fields other than Education.
  • Individual study or research graduate courses numbered 500-599 if they may be used to satisfy minimum higher degree requirements, which are otherwise numbered 600-699.

UC Merced Extension further classifies courses which do not result in the award of University level academic credit, as follows:

  • 700-799. Experimental, public service, public policy forums, test preparation courses, and courses which showcase research or developments in the professions or local industry, which are non-credit bearing and in which student work is not evaluated.
  • 800-899. Advanced professional seminars, courses, and short-courses, in which student work is evaluated, which may lead to the award of a letter grade, PASS/FAIL grade, or Continuing Education Unit (CEU) in lieu of academic credit.
  • 900-999. Courses for which University credit are not awarded, but in which student work is evaluated and grades are posted. College preparatory courses and English as a Second Language (ESL) courses are examples of the type to be classified in this series.
  • 1000-1099. Professional or cultural enrichment seminars, courses and short-courses in which student work is not evaluated, but leads to the award of Continuing Education Unit (CEU) in lieu of academic credit.

UC Merced Extension typically presents courses in the undergraduate series numbered 1-199 (except independent studies), the 300 series, the 400 series, and the non-credit series ranging from 700-1099.

In addition to the numbering schema, the University uses letter designations preceding the "course number" to indicate Extension's agency in offering the course, and to indicate the Senate division offering academic approval, as follows:

  • An "X" prefixed to the course number indicates that the course bears University-level academic credit, and that the course is offered through Extension. When the "X" appears alone, the Extension course has no counterpart in the UC Merced curriculum, although the content meets the standards for the course series. (Courses numbered 700 and above offered through Extension are not prefixed with an "X" as they bear no credit.)
  • The "X", modified with a senate-division designator such as "M", indicates that the course bears University-level academic credit, that it is offered through Extension, and that the course is by Senate regulation considered "equivalent" to a course offered in the regular curriculum of the Senate Division which approved the course. ("M" indicates Merced. "B" indicates Berkeley, "SB" indicates Santa Barbara, etc.)
Disability Services

Visit the Disability Services website for information.

Enrollment Basics

Students enroll in UC Merced Extension courses through the UC Merced Extension Registration website. After clicking “Enroll” online the student will complete their profile and register for the course(s) through the Higher Reach Student Information System catalog.

FERPA – Confidentiality and Student Rights

Pursuant to the Federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and the University of California Policies Applying to the Disclosure of Information from Student Records, UC Merced Extension students have the right to:

  1. The right to inspect and review their student records within 45 days of the date the Extension Office receives a written request for access. Students should submit their requests in writing to the Extension Office or appropriate campus official for the office having custody of the requested records. The request must identify the record(s) they wish to inspect and review. The campus official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the official receiving the request, that official shall advise the student of the correct official and redirect the request.      
  2. The right to request the amendment of their student records if a student believes the records is inaccurate or misleading. Students should submit a written request to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading to the campus official responsible for the record, clearly identifying the portion of the record they want changed, and specifying why it is believed to be inaccurate or misleading. If Extension determines that the record should not be amended as requested by the student, Extension will notify the student of the decision and advise him/her of the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in their student records, except to the extent that law and policy authorize disclosure without consent.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by UC Merced Extension to comply with the requirements of the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act, addressed to the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Washington, D.C. 20202-4605.

One exception permitting disclosure without consent is disclosure to campus officials having a legitimate educational interest in the records. A campus official is any individual designated by the campus to perform an assigned function on behalf of the campus. Legitimate educational interest means a demonstrated need to know by officials who act in a student’s educational interest. A campus official has a “legitimate educational interest” in a record if the official is performing a task:

  1. specified in his or her job description;
  2. specifically related to the official’s participation in the student’s education;
  3. specifically related to the discipline of a student; or
  4. specifically related to providing a service or benefit associated with a student or student’s family, such as health care, counseling, job placement or financial aid.

Another exception permitting disclosure without consent is Directory (or public) Information, defined as information contained in a student record that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed, unless the student has notified the Extension Office that such information is to be treated as confidential with respect to him/herself.

UC Merced Extension has established these items as Directory (or public) Information: the student’s name, phone number, email address, program of study, dates of attendance, earned certificates, enrollment status (Full-Time; Part-Time), photographs and program completion information. UC Merced Extension directory information is available upon request only and will not be posted online or by any other means.

How a Student Can Change Their Level of Privacy

A student who wants to withhold all from the category of Directory (public) information must file a nondisclosure form in the UC Merced Extension Office by the 10th day of instruction. If a student does not choose this option, this information may be released without student written authorization.

Students availing themselves of this right should understand what the consequences of such action might be. For example, if all information is designated nonpublic information the student’s status as a student or any certificates earned cannot be verified for potential employers or for any inquiries without the student’s written consent.

Questions: Questions about these rights should be referred to the Extension Office by emailing

University of California Policy Related to the Disclosure of Information from Student Records

The University of California policy related to student record information disclosure, please review

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment of all persons who participate in University programs and activities is prohibited by law and by University regulation (Policy 380-12). Sexual harassment is unacceptable and will not be condoned on the UC Merced campus.

Smoke and Tobacco Free Campus
Payment Method

Payment is required at the time of registration. Registration for a course or program is not complete until payment is received. UC Merced Extension accepts credit/debit card payments using: Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.

In-person/third-party payments require special handling. Students/Participants should contact UC Merced Extension before completing their registration online.


If you enroll for credit, you must meet the attendance, participation and course requirements set by the instructor. You can log in to your student portal to view your final grades and CEUs. 

Until all outstanding balances to the university are paid in full, a hold may be placed on your student account that prevents you from viewing and printing your final course grades, CEUs and grade reports and from ordering an official transcript.

Grading Basis Options

When you enroll in a credit course, you will receive a letter grade. In some courses, however you may opt to take the course for a passed/not passed grade (P/NP) or to take the course on a noncredit basis (NC) by submitting a Petition for Grade Option Change form. If you opt to change from a letter grade to a P/NP grade you must inform your instructor prior to your course end date and final exam or project due date. If you plan to apply that course toward a degree or professional certificate, you should first make sure that a P/NP grade is accepted. Please note that most institutions do not accept noncredit courses and noncredit grade options for transfer credit. We cannot change a P/NP grade or a NC grade option to a letter grade after recording it. If you are unable to complete your course, you can also submit a petition to withdraw without academic penalty prior to your course end date and final exam or project due date.

Grading System Grades

Grades                                     Quality Points

A+       Excellent                      4.0

A         Excellent                      4.0

A–        Excellent                      3.7

B+        Good                           3.3

B          Good                           3.0

B-        Good                           2.7

C+        Fair                              2.3

C          Fair                              2.0

C-        Fair                              1.7

D+       Barely passing              1.3

D         Barely Passing              1.0

D-        Barely passing              0.7

F          Not Passing                  0.0

P          Passed (equivalent to a C- or higher)    

NP       Not passed (lower than a C-)

S         Satisfactory

U         Unsatisfactory

I           Incomplete

IP         In-Progress

NR       No Report: when instructor fails to report a grade

Other Grade Letter Designations

NC       Not for credit - Signifies attendance but not completion of credit requirements

W         Withdraw without academic penalty

I           Incomplete, may be assigned by an instructor on an exceptional basis if the student’s coursework has been passing quality but not finished during the term or enrollment period due to circumstance beyond the student’s control.

Incomplete grades are contingent on instructor approval, and instructors are under no obligation to grant them. To complete the course and receive a final grade, you must complete the course requirements within three months of the course end date. If you do not complete the work as agreed, instructors may opt to submit a final failing grade for you. If left unresolved, the grade Incomplete (I) in any course becomes part of your permanent academic record.

  • An “I” grade designation is issued only if the instructor approves and all of the following criteria are met:
  • You present extenuating circumstances to your instructor for not completing the course by the course end date
  • You have successfully completed 75% of the assignments, assessments or projects at least three weeks prior to the course end date.
  • You and the instructor have made a written agreement on the work required to complete the course and the due date by which you will submit the work to the instructor. The due date must be within three months of the course end date,
  • You must sign and present the Petition for Incomplete Grade form to the instructor prior to the course end date. Online students should provide the completed petition form to instructors by scanning and emailing it as an attachment.
  • For classroom and hybrid courses, instructor must note on the form the percentage of course work completed and graded and the cumulative grade the student has earned to date. For online courses, instructors must note on the form all of the modules that have been submitted, graded and entered into the LMS gradebook to date (e.g., Modules 1-8) and the remaining modules the student must complete (e.g., Modules 9-10).
  • Once completed and signed by you and the instructor, the instructor should forward the original incomplete grade petition form to You and the instructor should each retain a copy of the signed form.
  • Online Students Only: Once enrollment expires or a grade I is recorded, you no longer have access to the online classroom or discussion forum. You must coordinate with your instructor to copy or print out any information from the online classroom or discussion forum that you need for reference as you continue and complete your coursework beyond your enrollment period.

Grade Point Averages

UC Merced Extension does not calculate or record an official grade point average (GPA) on your transcript, GPAs can be unofficially calculated on the basis of grades and number of units. The University’s scale of grade points is A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0, D=1, F=0. A plus (+) or minus (-) may also be recorded. Grades with a plus sign (such as B+) carry 0.3 points per unit; minus grades (such as A-) carry 0.3 points less. (An A+ counts as 4.0). Work is shown in semester units unless otherwise noted.

Final Grade Reviews and Appeals

All student grades except “Incomplete” are final when submitted by the instructor to UC Merced Extension at the end of the course. An instructor may request a change of grade when a computational or procedural error occurred in the original assignment of a grade, but a grade may not be changed or revised as a result of reevaluation of student work, student reexamination or the submission of additional student work after the end of the course.

UC Merced Extension considers grades to be a matter of academic judgment on the part of the instructor. You may only challenge your grade and request a final grade review in certain circumstances. Grounds for requesting a grade review at the end of the course include:

  1. Application of nonacademic criteria –such as consideration of race, politics, religion or gender – not directly reflective of performance related to course requirements;
  2. Sexual harassment; or,
  3. Clerical or procedural error in the calculation of the student’s final grade.

Consult your instructor if you have a question about your final grade. If the matter is not resolved at the instructor level, write to your CE Director to request a final grade review within 30 days after your final grade is posted to your student record. Within your final grade review request, state which of the above three criteria comprises the grounds for the request, The CE Director conducts the grade review and informs you of his or her decision - including any remedies, if applicable – within 30 days of receiving  the request for review.

If, and only if, the above procedures have failed to resolve the matter, you may appeal the CE Director’s decision by submitting a letter addressed to UC Merced Extension, ATTN: Extension Dean 5200 N Lake Road, Merced, CA 95343

This written request for appeal must be initiated within 30 days after receiving the decision from the CE Director. The dean’s designee reviews the request for appeal, conducts an investigation and makes a decision – including any remedies, if applicable – within 30 days of receiving the request for appeal. The dean’s designee makes the final decision for all unresolved grade appeals for all students enrolled in UC Merced courses and programs.

In extenuating circumstances, the above timelines may be extended.


The University of California, in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and University policy, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, medical condition (cancer-related), ancestry, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation or status as a Vietnam-era veteran or special disabled veteran. The University also prohibits sexual harassment. This nondiscrimination policy covers admission, access and treatment in University programs and activities.

Inquiries regarding the University’s student related nondiscrimination policies may be directed to Student Conduct staff in the Office of Student Life.


Request for your transcripts can be made by submitting this webform.

Beginning October 8, 2018, transcripts will cost $12 per copy.

Student Conduct

All members of the UC Merced Extension community are expected to act with honesty, integrity and respect for others.

UC Merced Extension, as a unit of the University of California, Merced, is a continuing education and professional community committed to maintaining an environment that encourages personal, professional and intellectual growth. It is a community with high standards and high expectations for those who choose to become a part of it. This behavior includes abiding by the established rules of conduct intended to foster behaviors that are consistent with a civil and professional educational setting. Members of the UC Merced Extension community are expected to comply with all laws, University policies and campus regulations, conducting themselves in ways that support a professional and safe learning environment. In this context, instructors are guided by UC Merced Extension's instructor conduct policies. Students are guided by the UC Merced Code of Student Conduct (PDF).


You can submit a request to withdraw by logging in to the student portal; the withdraw request must be submitted prior to your course end date and final exam or project due date. If your request to withdraw is approved you will receive a W grade. It will appear on your official transcript. Withdrawing from a course is not the same as dropping or receiving a refund for a course; strict deadlines apply to course drops/refunds. See Drops/Refunds for more information.

Student Verification Policy for Online Instruction

Student Verification Policy for Online Instruction
UC Merced Extension

November, 2018

I. Purpose

This describes the process for verifying the identity of UC Merced Extension students enrolled in online academic courses, for which there are no in-person meetings.

This policy is consistent with the WSCUC Distance Education Review Guide, which states:

“WSCUC requires institutions that offer distance education to have processes in place through which the institution establishes that the student who registers in a distance education course or program is the same student who participates in and completes the course or program and receives the academic credit. To meet this requirement, the institution must employ, at its option, methods to verify the student who participates, such as:

  • A secure login and pass code
  • Proctored examinations
  • New or other technologies or practices that are effective in verifying student identification.”

II. Overview

  1. UC Merced Extension requires at least one proctored/supervised exam or experience per online course for which students are required to present photo identification upon signing in or appearing for the proctored experience or test. In this way, instructors are able to verify that the individual participating in the assignment or exam is the same individual who is enrolled and receiving a grade for the course.

UC Merced Extension adheres to the UC Merced Code of Conduct and Academic Honesty Policy . It is expected and required that only the individual who is registered in a course will produce and submit assignments and take examinations for that course. Violations of this requirement will be processed according to these UC Merced policies.

To protect student privacy, instructors should perform identity checks one-on-one and not in front of other students. This is especially important in an online environment, where a student should only be required to present identification directly to the instructor and not in a setting where classmates can see private information.

  1. Proctored Exams/Experiences

Distance courses, including asynchronous courses, may require an in-person meeting, assignment or examination at a specific day and time. This information must be published in the course description of the unique section the student enrolls in so they are aware of the meeting day and time prior to registration.

  1. In person Exams

Proctor exams in a classroom setting where students show a photo ID (driver’s license, passport, or student ID card) before they take their test. UC Merced Extension distance courses that require in-person, exams on a specific day and time will state such a requirement in the course description of the unique section the student enrolls in, and will be stated on the syllabus.

  1. Online with Examity or Proctor U*

Both Examity and Proctor U offer live online proctoring for academic institutions. Webcams and other similar technology are utilized to monitor students taking exams online.

*Online proctor fees are paid by the student directly to the vendor. The current cost is $20.00 per proctored experience (price is subject to change by agreement between the University of California and the vendor). This cost must be published in the course description of the unique section the student enrolls in so they are aware of the additional fee prior to registration.

  1. Alternatives to Proctored Exams
  1. Presentations

Presentations give students the opportunity to display knowledge gained in the course and present that information to their classmates and instructor. Instructors should check student identity by verifying IDs in a one-on-one online or in person meeting prior to the presentation.

  1. Zoom: Using the online conferencing tool Zoom, instructors could require students to lead presentations and discussion sessions with their classmates. This method requires students to present information and to answer discussion questions similar to that of an in-class setting. This method may be utilized with the entire class, small groups within a class, or for an individual student and the instructor, depending on the needs and requirements of the course.
  2. Pre-recorded Video Presentations: Students create video presentations in which their voices must be heard and faces must be seen as they cover specific information from the course as assigned by the instructor.
  3. In-Person Class Meetings: To facilitate student presentations and whole-group discussions in a classroom setting.


  • If students are required to be physically present at a certain time and location, this information must be published in the course catalog at the time of enrollment, as well as in the syllabus.
  • If special equipment is required (webcam, speakers, etc.), this information must be published in the course catalog at the time of enrollment, as well as in the syllabus.
  • If an online proctoring service is used and students are responsible for paying the testing fee out of pocket, the cost must be published in the course catalog at the time of enrollment, as well as in the syllabus.

Open University

Requirements to Participate in Open University (Concurrent Enrollment)
  • Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) is based on available space, and class participation and assignments are the same as for regular students. The program is available during the fall and spring semesters.
  • All campus debts must be paid in full in order to participate in Open University. Failure to report outstanding balances on campus may result in application denial. Financial aid is not available for Open University (Concurrent Enrollment).
  • UC Students must be in good academic standing with their home University of California (UC) campus. If currently on academic warning or probation, students are required to present written approval from the home UC campus in addition to the Open University application form. 
  • The academic records of Open University students are separate from the UC Merced academic record. Participation in Open University does not confer or suggest status as a regular UC Merced matriculated student, nor does it grant any priority to an applicant for regular admission.
  • Enrollment in Open University is on a term-by-term basis. This means that acceptance for one term does not guarantee acceptance in any future term. Applications are reviewed and students will be notified if there is an issue with their application.
  • Students are not eligible to complete courses through UC Merced's Open University Program if they can answer either of the following conditions:

*They have any financial obligations to the University of California.
*They have ever been barred from the campus by police or court order. 

  • Students on probation or dismissed from UC Merced at the end of their last regular semester will need permission of their School to enroll. 
  • Students who left UC Merced without completing an undergraduate degree will need the permission of their school to enroll.
  • Open University students do not have access to the full range of courses and services provided for students paying full tuition:
    • Enrollment in research or independent study is not allowed.
    • Open University students do not have access to campus health services or campus recreation facilities such as the gym.
    • You will need a Cat Card identification card (a $20 fee applies) in order to access on-campus resources, such as the library.
    • You may purchase a parking permit through the Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) office to park on campus, or you may use the parking permit dispensers to buy a permit daily.
  • Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) students must submit the Concurrent Enrollment application prior to the first day of instruction.
  • Any application submitted on or after the first day of instruction is considered late, and late fees will apply.
  • Applications for Open University will not be accepted after the second Friday of instruction in the term.
  • Open University students can enroll in courses beginning the sixth day of instruction but must enroll no later than the end of the third week of instruction. An Open University student working with a course instructor may request access to the course webpage from the course instructor so they may access course materials until they can officially enroll in the second week of instruction. 
Students with Undergraduate Degrees
  • Students can take graduate-level classes with the approval of the graduate division.
  • An additional signature is required on the Instructor Approval Form.
  • Students can take undergraduate courses as prerequisites to graduate programs or possibly second baccalaureate programs. 


Former UC Merced Students Interested in Open University (Concurrent Enrollment)

Former UC Merced students taking the last course to graduate with an undergraduate degree are in a special category and will be required to obey certain rules and policies related to the Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) Program. While courses taken through the Open University Program can count toward a degree at UC Merced, those seeking a degree from this campus should contact an academic advisor in their school for approval before enrolling.

  • Former UC Merced students will need permission from their School Dean prior to enrolling in Open University. The school will determine how many Open University units and/or courses a student may apply to their undergraduate degree graduation requirements. Typically, this will not be more than two courses. 
  • All campus debts must be paid in full. Failure to report outstanding balances on campus may result in application denial.
  • A student must be in good standing. Students currently on academic warning or probation must present written approval from your school with the Concurrent Enrollment application form.
  • Grade point averages (GPA) for courses taken through Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) are not counted toward fulfilling requirements for the degree.

Students on the Education Leave Program may not enroll in Open University while they are on leave from UC Merced.

How to Apply
  1. Click here to apply. Complete the application prior to the first day of instruction. Applications submitted on the first day of instruction through the second Friday of instruction are considered late. Applications are not accepted after the second Friday of instruction in a given term.
  2. The associated application fee will be applied to your MyBill once you are officially enrolled in a class(s). A Late Application Fee will be charged for applications submitted beginning the first day of UC Merced instruction through the second Friday of instruction.
  3. You will receive email notification of your application’s approval or denial. 
  4. If your application is approved, please email the course instructor. Let the instructor know you are an Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) student. The instructor may ask you to wait until they can determine if there will be space in the course after degree-seeking students have enrolled. You may request permission from the instructor to access the course webpage, but granting access early is the decision of the instructor. Once you have received permission from the instructor to enroll, please forward that email to, with the subject line “Open University Student Enrollment”, and include your full name and UC Merced id number if you have one.
  5. Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) students can officially enroll in courses beginning the second week of instruction but must enroll no later than the end of the third week of instruction.
  6. Full payment of all fees on MyBill must be made within 24 hours of enrollment in the course(s). Registration is only complete upon payment of all fees. Students who have not paid fees within 24 hours are subject to drop for non-payment.
  7. Once enrolled, withdrawals must be requested by email to with the subject line "Open University Request for Withdrawal". Refunds are not available for Open University/Concurrent Enrollment courses.
Enrollment and Payment
  1. Attend the first class meeting of the course(s) in which you wish to enroll. If the course is online or offered by remote means, this will require you to be in contact with the course instructor prior to the first course meeting.
  2. Communicate with your Instructor Approval Form prior to the first-course meeting and let the instructor know that you are an Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) student.
  3. The instructor may ask you to wait until they can determine if there will be space in the course after regular students have enrolled.
  4. Return the signed (virtual signatures are acceptable) and completed instructor approval form(s) to or to the Students First Center in person if they are open for in-person services.
  5. Fees will be applied to your account in MyBill once you have enrolled in a course(s).

Courses are open for enrollment on a space-available basis. Fees are due within 24 hours of enrollment. Registration is complete upon payment of all appropriate fees and charges.

There are no refunds for Open University enrollment.

Fee Schedule
  • First Time Enrollee Application Fee: $55
  • Prior Open University (Concurrent Enrollment) Student Application Fee: $10
  • Late Application Fee (required beginning the first day of instruction): $100
  • Per-Undergraduate Unit Registration Fee: $419
  • Per-Graduate Unit Registration Fee: $523


University of California tuition and fee levels are set by the Regents of the University of California and are subject to change without notice.
Additional information may be found at the University of California, Office of the President webpage.